2024 Annual Appeal

Why do we ask you to give?

Dear Friends of YGRR!

An emergency call comes in from Ohio. A rescue partner we regularly work with tells us a puppy mill is shutting down and eighteen Goldens are going to be euthanized if there are not immediate placements for them. Because saving them is our essential purpose, YGRR staff leaps into action. Our intrepid transportation associate piles into the creaky and unreliable YGRR van and gets on the road. These eighteen Golden love bugs are successfully retrieved and, as of this writing, have all been successfully placed in their forever homes.

This is often where the journey begins for many YGRR Goldens and Goldens-At-Heart. You may be surprised to know that our reach, rescuing these precious pups, extends far beyond the boundaries of New England. In the past year we have transported dogs from states as far as Arkansas, Georgia and Texas, as well as regularly making trips to Ohio, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.

It is stating the obvious that safely getting the dogs to YGRR requires reliable transportation as the critical first step to ensure that our Goldens will first survive, and then thrive. The timing can be critical and life saving; the van needs to be primed to go and reliable.

Vans and safety features specific to canine transportation have come a long way since 2009. Yes, that is the age of our van. It is rusting, clunky and rattly. It regularly breaks down, has engine issues and gets dreadful gas mileage. Given its age, it is very difficult to sanitize properly. Other than puppies, space is limited for larger dogs, which puts those we can’t bring to YGRR in one trip at significant risk. There will soon come a time when it will be impossible to stitch the mechanical bits and pieces together, and Golden lives will be lost as we will have no reliable way to bring them home.

Purchasing a new van is a primary focus of our Annual Appeal this year. Your generous contribution will keep our wheels safely rolling; bringing these Goldens to a safe haven, and a bright and peaceful future. Your donation will go directly to something practical and essential to our operation and to the safety of our dogs.

Our second area of need is continuing to improve the quality of life for our dogs awaiting their forever homes. We have successfully replaced unforgiving gravel in one of our exercise and play yards with a carpet of artificial turf. The turf creates a forgiving surface for dogs to relax and play and is cooler in our increasingly hot summers. More importantly, it can be sanitized to properly prevent the spread of common contaminants (which gravel cannot), and creates a safer, lower-risk environment for paw and leg injuries. Artificial turf yards are fast becoming the standard for all rescues. We ask you to help us continue this effort as we look to replace three more gravel yards with turf.

While neither of these “asks” are glamorous, they are both critical needs that require support beyond meeting the demands of Yankee’s day-to-day expenses. As with the old van, the new vehicle will last for years, making access to YGRR dependable and reliable. The dogs need to arrive at YGRR safely first, for us to then find them their forever homes. The artificial turf resurfacing contributes mightily to the physical and emotional healing of our Goldens and their general comfort and well-being while supporting the efforts of our staff and volunteers.

Please join us in our efforts to continue to move YGRR forward. As we approach our fortieth year of rescuing Goldens, your generous contributions will ensure that we can continue to do what we do best, for many years to come.